Kopiowanki Nr 18 - Od Kaina Do Chazarii - Ewangelios Nathanielski
“This is the victory that the spiritual children of Abraham (i.e. And yet it is said that one must not speak of Jewish-Communist revolutions! When, therefore, Jesus was faced with such demands, and rejected all shedding of blood and revealed that His kingdom was not of this world, the Jewish Imperialists felt that all their hopes and demands were being destroyed. Więc do justice to the importance of this criminal step, one must bring to mind that according to the “Divine Revelation” of the Old Testament, all animals and beasts have been created by God for the service of men, who eat their flesh, use their skins as clothing, kill them and in general can do with them as they please. In the Soviet Union, where the Hebrews were successful in introducing their totalitarian dictatorship, they have sowed fear and death in such a cruel manner, that the poor enslaved Russians, have now only to hear the word “Jew” to tremble with terror. When Jesus preached the equality of all men before God, the Jews thought, and they did so with good reason, that Christ with His teachings would render null or void their false views concerning Israel, as a people chosen by God to actually rule the world.

Simultaneously He would declare null and void the idea of a people which is superior through the will of God to the others, and which is destined through the commandment of God to subjugate the remaining peoples and gain control of their wealth. While wypracowanie gives this passage a limited spiritual interpretation, the Jews understand it in the sense that God has provided them with the right to consume all peoples of earth and to gain power over their riches. Therefore the leaders of Jewry in that time, priests, scholars and pharisees, etc, feared that Jesus threatened the glorious future that was predestined the people of Israel as future master of the world, for, if all peoples are equal before God, as our Lord Jesus Christ preached, there was no reason upon earth to choose one as preferential in the future and to rule over mankind. Already in the times of our Lord Jesus Christ this false interpretation was so general among them that the majority of Hebrews imagined they saw in the promised Messiah a king or warlord who, with the help of God, would conquer all nations of the earth through bloody wars, and in the end Israel would in fact rule the whole world.
With up to 32GB of DDR4-2133 RAM with ECC, and strong graphical rendering capability, the RXi2-UP IPC is designed for demanding industrial environments and is ideal for mid-sized to large systems with robust visualization needs. Ehinger B., Grzybowski A. Allvar Gullstrand (1862-1930) - the Gentleman with the Lamp. Grzybowski A. How much of invasive clinical research is still ethically justified? Grzybowski A. John Taylor and Johann Sebastian Bach - more information still needed. Grzybowski A, Sak J. A short history of the discovery of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. This passage is also given a restricted interpretation by Holy Church which differs completely from the ambitious Jewish feeling, which degenerated throughout history into frightful actions, which prove the practical application of this false interpretation. “And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him!
The Jews, lusting for power, have given these verses a materialistic interpretation and think that God has offered them, as the full-blooded descendants of Abraham, that they have power over the gates of their foes: that only in them, as the Jewish race, all peoples of earth be blessed. So one could go on in this way, to quote verses of the Old Testament that have been falsely interpreted by Jewish Imperialism. So appeared the “Talmud,” which is damned by Holy Church and in which, as the Jews assert, the most perfected interpretation of the Old Testament is contained through divine inspiration. According to the false interpretation of the Holy Scripture, both the Christians as well as other Gentiles are to the Jews simple beasts and not human beings. “The generation of a stranger is like the generation of beasts.”4 In the previously quoted passages the false interpreters of the Holy Scripture take a step of great weight: namely to deny the Christians and Gentiles, i.e. rozprawka regard all their revolutions and conspiracies against the Kings of recent time as holy enterprises, which they perform in fulfilment of the Biblical prophecies, which they assume further as useful means to obtain domination over the world, which they likewise accept as commanded by God in the Holy Scripture.
11. Therefore thy gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day nor night, that men may bring unto thee the riches of the Gentiles, and that their kings may be brought. One must bear in mind that many of the prophets were murdered by the Jews, only because they contradicted them and blamed their perversion. Also, wherever during the Middle Ages the heretical movements directed by Jews triumphed, although these victories were locally limited and of transitory nature, they were always accompanied by crime, fear and terror. Holy Scriptures. In the following we will quote some passages from these Secret Books of Jewry. Afterwards appeared the collection of the “Jewish Cabbala”, which means ‘Prophecy.’ In this was explained, likewise according to the Jews, through divine inspiration, the secret interpretation, i.e. We already saw, in the 4th Chapter of this work, what the Rabbi Baruch Levi wrote to his pupil, the young Jew Karl Marx, as the later founder of what was badly described as “scientific Socialism”, where he quoted apparent theological principles to justify the right of the Jews to appropriate to themselves the riches of all peoples on earth through Proletarian Communist movements, which are controlled by Jewry.